Technological Education: An Educational Innovation Enemy of the Past
Published 2020-06-30
- Social Representations,
- Technoscientific Education,
- Technoscientific Culture
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The 21st century has represented an era of changes as well as new ways of seeing or perceiving realities from the eyes of others, therefore new paradigms are presented and part of it is reflected in the technological innovations that become peremptory in each one of the areas where society develops. In this regard, techno-scientific education (ETCS) emerges, as one of those innovations that are configured as a necessity for the social representations of educational actors in the university context, the ETCS refers to the set of disciplines that are geared to study social aspects of science and technology conceived as indispensable areas in the here, in the now, becoming the central axis to develop in people a techno-scientific culture.
This article has as its central teleological axis to reveal the explanatory foundations of the social representations of educational actors about techno-scientific literacy in the university context of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, UNPHU, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The methodology is structured from the hermeneutical phenomenological spirit. For this, three (3) educational actors belonging to the Science Department will be selected. The information will be obtained through documentary analysis and the in-depth interview technique that the interview script uses as an instrument. It was learned that from the thoughts and social representations of educational actors, foundations are built that denote the relevance of promoting technoscientific education in the university context and with it, literacy prevailing in an era where science and technology must be supported. from government entities to enable the development of a country.
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