About the Journal


Entrópico is an international journal with a special focus on the Caribbean and Central America. The journal is published electronically on a continuous basis with quarterly packaging. It aims for the articles published to respond to the language of architecture and design through the creative use of digital possibilities. In addition to supporting multimedia figures, articles can be accompanied by other materials such as renders, photographs, and plans that may not fit in the article itself. Authors can attach a complementary dataset to the article. The journal is Open Access and does not charge for publication.

Entrópico publishes historical, theoretical, and graphic essays, critiques, urban analyses, interviews, applied research, research articles, and architectural and urban scale projects. Works in Spanish and English are welcome.

The journal is edited by an expert editorial team and supported by a national and international Scientific Committee. Submitted works are peer-reviewed using a double-blind national and international process. All individuals associated with the journal adhere to the Shanghai Declaration on Research Integrity and best practices in scientific publishing. Potential conflicts will be resolved following COPE protocols.

Entrópico is a project overseen by the School of Architecture and Urbanism at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña.

Document Types Published

Publication Frequency

Twice a year, with approved articles published immediately.

Editorial Management Costs

There are no charges or fees for submitting or publishing articles. Similarly, there are no costs for accessing articles and accompanying materials.

Access and Publication Costs

In compliance with open access policies, Entrópico facilitates free access to all published articles and promotes the sharing and dissemination of texts at no cost to readers. Entrópico does not consider costs for authors associated with manuscript publication.

Sponsorship and Funding

Ethical Policies and Scientific Integrity

The editorial team of ENTRÓPICO is committed to adhering to the highest ethical standards, best editorial practices, and authorship principles, subscribing to COPE's principles: Publication Ethics and Violations of Ethics, the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, and the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). This is reflected in the following criteria:

  1. Authorship and Contribution Policies: Authors who have made a significant contribution to the research process, writing, submission, and adjustment of the manuscript according to CRediT criteria are considered authors. Authors must indicate each author's contribution or role in the manuscript in the submission letter.

    Authors are presented in the order established by them, indicating the following data:

    • Pen name (used for all their scientific production)
    • Email
    • Academic degrees
    • Institutional affiliation
    • ORCID code

    The author who submits the manuscript or uploads it to the journal's platform assumes the role of corresponding author, responsible for contact throughout the editorial process.

  2. Plagiarism Policies: Articles submitted to ENTRÓPICO must be original and unpublished, with the consent of all authors. Authors must use the submission letter format to commit to these criteria. The journal will not publish articles previously published in another language.

    Fragmentation of large works can cause confusion among readers, so authors must include proper citations for previous publications to avoid plagiarism or failure to meet originality criteria. Authors must respond to editorial and peer-review requests regarding previously published works on the topic.

    All received articles will undergo a strict peer review process and be checked for plagiarism using DOCODE software. If an article does not meet the specified originality criteria, it will be deemed inadmissible for publication. If already published, it will be retracted from the volume.

    ENTRÓPICO commits to issuing retractions and errata to ensure transparency and due process for any detected or reported case.

    Authors are responsible for the material included in their work, such as tables, graphs, photos, figures, and other content necessary for publication, and must declare that these do not infringe copyright.

  3. Handling Complaints and Appeals: The complaint or appeal process starts with communication with the journal editor via the institutional email (Entró[email protected]). The editor confirms receipt via email, evaluates the merits of the complaint or appeal, and informs the Editorial Committee, which has two weeks to respond.

    The Committee may close the complaint or appeal or initiate an investigation, which will be communicated to the parties involved.

    If an investigation is initiated, further information or responses from the parties will be requested to make a decision: rejection of the complaint, insufficient evidence, or confirmation of the complaint. In all cases, the decision will be communicated via a Committee record.

    If the complaint or appeal is confirmed, the communication will be shared with the parties and the affiliated institution of the accused.

    If the complaint or appeal warrants it, an errata or correction of the publication will be issued in the next issue.

  4. Conflict of Interest Policies: ENTRÓPICO sets strict criteria to avoid conflicts of interest during the article review process.

    Authors must submit a fully anonymized manuscript version, making it impossible to identify authors, institutions, people, or funding sources.

    Reviewers must have research experience and scientific publications.

    ENTRÓPICO's double-blind review process ensures objectivity, as authors and reviewers do not know each other's identities.

    ENTRÓPICO ensures anonymized communication between authors and reviewers meets academic standards regarding manuscript comments and evaluations. The criteria for manuscript evaluation results will be established in the peer review process section (LINK).

  5. Data Sharing and Reproducibility Policies: ENTRÓPICO encourages authors to facilitate data sharing and reproducibility, provided this does not violate confidentiality agreements or research subject identity protection. Data used may be requested by editors or reviewers as part of the review process.

    Authors can associate a dataset with an article through cross-references in both directions: from the dataset to the article and vice versa. Authors may deposit the dataset on their preferred platform, with ENTRÓPICO recommending Mendeley Data.

  6. Ethical Oversight Policies: ENTRÓPICO's Editorial Committee will request information from authors regarding research ethical standards, following the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity principles.

    Authors must indicate the ethical procedures in their research and provide pertinent information on ethical safeguards upon request by editors or reviewers, especially regarding consent or assent and database usage authorization.

    Using photographs with identifiable people requires proper authorization and must not harm those depicted.

  7. Intellectual Property Policy: All manuscripts published in ENTRÓPICO are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not reflect the Editorial Committee's opinion.

    Authors must ensure the work is original and unpublished.

    ENTRÓPICO is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0), protecting authors' rights while granting ENTRÓPICO the rights for publication.

  8. Discussion and Correction Policies: ENTRÓPICO promotes discussions and debates around published manuscripts. Responses or letters to the Editor, as deemed appropriate by the Editorial Committee, should be sent to: r.entró[email protected]

    Post-publication corrections or article withdrawal requests should be directed to the Editorial Committee at the same email, evaluated according to section c) of this guideline.

  9. Privacy and Information Use Policy: Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the editorial process, including notifications of new publications or calls for papers, and will not be available for any other purpose, person, or organization. ENTRÓPICO does not allow advertising or marketing on the journal's site.
