International Congress on Architecture and Urbanism 2024



Organization and Submissions

The First International Congress on Architecture and Urbanism is managed through the OJS platform of the Entrópico Scientific Journal. Authors must register on the journal’s website to submit abstracts and final papers. Submissions will be reviewed through the platform via blind peer review. Only submissions that strictly adhere to the author guidelines will be considered.

Call for Papers

The call for papers for the First International Congress on Architecture and Urbanism, to be held from October 23 to 25, 2024, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, is now open. The best papers will be published in the international scientific journal Entrópico.


Submission of Abstracts

Received abstracts (in Spanish or English) will undergo an initial evaluation. Following evaluation and acceptance, final complete papers must be submitted through the platform, adhering to the format defined in the template, by the indicated dates. These will be reviewed and evaluated for final acceptance, which involves inclusion in the Congress's digital proceedings.

Abstracts must include a maximum of 4 authors, of whom at least one must register for the Congress if the final paper is accepted. The provided template, without author details, should be used in an anonymized Word file, following instructions to ensure anonymous evaluation. The text should be between 250 and 300 words and must contain: (1) Purpose of the study: the purpose of the addressed study; (2) Development: breakdown of the study; (3) Results: summarize the main findings; (4) Conclusions: state the main conclusions. Additionally, it should align with one of the conference's thematic lines.

In OJS, data for all authors should be provided, including; Names, Surnames, Email, ORCID ID, URL (if available), Institution, Country, Brief biography (short). Additionally, the corresponding author for correspondence must be indicated.

Download Template

Submission of Papers

If the abstract and full paper are accepted by the International Scientific Committee for inclusion in the Proceedings Book, the full paper must be between 3000 and 4000 words, including references. The total length should not exceed 10 pages, including images if any. Only files in Microsoft Word (*.doc) that meet the format and conditions will be accepted.

Using the provided template, upload the file in the open record for abstract submissions, with the final paper, including author details.

Download Template


For papers accepted for presentation at the Congress via poster, it should be constructed in a vertical format of 24 x 36 inches, following the guidelines of the provided template.

Each author must cover the cost of printing the poster on quality paper. There will be no printing or mounting services at the Congress site.

Download Template

Review Policy

In the selection and review process of received works for acceptance and publication, in addition to the Editorial Committee, there is an International Scientific Committee (both Permanent and for each edition) composed of internationally and locally recognized experts.

Once the works are received and a preliminary verification is conducted by the Executive Committee, they are subsequently subjected to external blind peer review in two stages: abstract and full paper.


  • March 1, 2024: Start of Registration and Open Call for Papers and Posters – Submission of Abstracts
  • July 21, 2024: Deadline for Submission of Abstracts for Papers and Posters
  • August 1, 2024: Deadline for Communication to Authors of Accepted Papers
  • August 30, 2024: Deadline for Submission of Full Papers by Authors
  • September 15, 2024: End of Registration Period
  • September 30, 2024: Deadline for Submission of Articles for Accepted Papers
  • October 23, 2024: Tour for Registered Participants
  • October 24, 2024: Tour for Participants
  • October 24-26, 2024: International Congress on Architecture and Urbanism