About the Journal
Peer evaluation process
Double-blind peer review is the way the journal Aula values the manuscripts it receives for scientific publication. The peers are expert professionals, who are not part of the Editorial Committee. We chose the double-blind system to ensure a fair review since both reviewers and authors are anonymous.
Steps to follow
- AULA acknowledges receipt of the manuscripts sent by the authors and responds to them on their acceptance or rejection in the first instance; as well as if accepted; of the blind evaluation process and after the edition.
- The Editorial Committee has one week to estimate or dismiss the work, confirming if it is related to the indicated topic and complies with all publication regulations. If accepted, it is submitted for external review, and the manuscripts are evaluated anonymously (double-blind) by two experts, who have two weeks to decide whether or not to publish the manuscript. In this review, peers will also be able to decide on the need or not to make modifications to the manuscript and the characteristics or levels of such modifications by the authors.
- The authors will have 15 days to carry out the modifications indicated by the peer reviewers anonymously.
- AULA keeps adjusting its evaluation criteria and has a template or form that accompanies the evaluator throughout the process, providing guidelines for the review and guaranteeing the observation of aspects that it considers important. In recognition, AULA dedicates a page with the complete list of peer reviewers (expanded in each volume) who have contributed during their three periods to guarantee the quality of their articles.
Aspects observed by peers:
- General appreciation: adequacy, originality, social contribution.
- Article content: logic, clear objectives, relevant process.
- The method, quotes, conclusions.
- Bibliographic references: current, relevant.
Time of receipt, approval and publication of manuscripts
The articles published in AULA exhaust 4 times: the period of production by the authors, the reception, the evaluation time and the publication.
Manuscripts have two deadlines per year to be received: March 30 (volume July-December) and August 30 (volume January-June). From these reception dates the editorial team and the evaluating peers have 3 months to complete the editing process that culminates in the publication of the volume.
The evaluating peers have a maximum of 30 days to complete their work and identify the process that culminates in acceptance without adjustments, minor adjustments, major adjustments or unpublished manuscript.
If sent to the author to make modifications, he has a maximum period of 15 days to incorporate them and return the manuscript to continue the process.
Rejection Rate
AULA calculates its rejection rates for articles according to the following formula:
RR= (RA\AP) *100
RR: Rejection Rate
RI: Rejected items
PA: Postulated Articles
Types of rejection established by the journal:
- Articles rejected for not complying with author's rules.
- Articles rejected during peer review.
- Articles accepted with modifications, whose author did not send the adjustments in the indicated time and form.