Vol. 68 No. 1 (2022): Los océanos y arrecifes de coral; su impacto en la sociedad

Importance of coral nurseries and their socioeconomic impact

Published 2022-01-01



  • climate change,
  • coastal sustainability,
  • coral nurseries,
  • coral reefs,
  • environmental awareness,
  • ex situ planting,
  • marine ecosystems
  • ...More

How to Cite

Rodríguez, R., Valcárcel Abud, A., Bello De Lillo, Y. P., Evangelista Pérez, D. Y., Báez Taveras, D. B., & Matos Mercedes, J. (2022). Importance of coral nurseries and their socioeconomic impact. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 68(1), 78–91. https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2022.68i1.199


Coral reef ecosystems are one of the pillars that provide balance to marine ecosystems, however, despite containing an exceptional diversity, it is one of the most vulnerable to natural disasters and anthropogenic activities. The deterioration of reef ecosystems has led to the search for innovative solutions, thus promoting the development of in situ and ex situ coral nurseries. Since 2004, the Dominican Republic has been promoting the restoration ofmarine ecosystems through this method and has come to see how these actions have positively affected coastal communities both socially and economically. This article will discuss the ecological role of corals and the threatsfacing reef ecosystems; followed by a detailed review of the process, maintenance and evaluation of coral nurseries; and concluding with an analysis of the socioeconomic contributions that coral plantations grant to a population.


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