Gestión de Riesgos (Sendai) y Objetivos Desarrollo Sostenible en Puerto Plata
Published 2018-09-13 — Updated on 2023-06-01
- 2023-06-01 (2)
- 2018-09-13 (1)
- climate change,
- risk management,
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),
- Puerto Plata,
- Sendai
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Copyright (c) 2018 AULA Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This article refers to the recurring disasters affecting the Municipality of San Felipe de Puerto Plata and how the Framework Agreement for Disaster Reduction 2015-2030 of Sendai, together with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), are interrelated and can be used for a Disaster Risk Management. It shows previous work on disaster risk management in this territory. This is important for it seems it have been poorly understood by authorities and communities. Prove of this, is the repetitive negative effects of natural threats and anthropic occurrences; as it occurred with the losses during the rains of October and November 2016, the beginning of 2017, and those caused during the passage through the vicinity of the Dominican Republic of Hurricanes Irma and María in September 2017. The findings showed that there is insufficient understanding and sensitivity, from the key stakeholders of the Municipality of San Felipe de Puerto Plata, to the coordinated work of risk management of natural and anthropic disasters. The development of projects at the local level by the central government and international organizations, taking into account the Sendai Framework, the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Development Strategy. The recommended works, in addition to increasing Environmental Sustainability, would achieve the future we want, increase resilience and reflect it in the SDG indicators of the Sendai framework.
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