Vol. 62 No. 2 (2018): Enero - Junio | Medioambiente y desarrollo sostenible

The sustainable environment hand in hand with the economic development

Francis Meriño
Profesora de Hotelería y Turismo, UNPHUSanto Domingo, República Dominicana

Published 2018-09-13 — Updated on 2023-06-01



  • Sustainable development,
  • economy,
  • sustainability,
  • environmental care,
  • natural resources,
  • intergenerational equity
  • ...More

How to Cite

Meriño, F. (2023). The sustainable environment hand in hand with the economic development. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 62(2). https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2018.62i2.85 (Original work published September 13, 2018)


The economic development of a nation is clearly determined by an effective management of its resources for production, development and growth and therefore we associate that one’s progress affects the progress of the other. Scientific research also shows that global warming has been caused by the enthusiasm for the riches of industries so it is peremptory that governments include policies of action and preservation, clear and universal for any nation, without failing to personally engage in our actions in terms of competitiveness and consumerism. It’s a commitment from everyone. The Dominican Republic with a growing economic development, has established within its development policies actions that promote sustainable consumption and promote the conservation of our natural resources thus ensuring the Continuity of this evolution and especially establishing the guidelines for the new industries and the incoming generation, have a sustained structural support in all lines that affect the good development of this I of this island. At least in theory, the Dominican Republic is at the global trends forefront with public policies focused on sustainable development. To mention some recent cases, the 2010 Constitution includes and incorporates important premises for the environmental issue, the creation of the National Council for Climate Change and the clean development Mechanism, the national Development Strategy 2030, the Biosecurity law 219-15 and the Biodiversity Law 333-15 and some projects Bills such as payments for environmental services and the water law currently being pursued by the Dominican legislative entities. However, it is pertinent that this sustainable development is fed with a reality that we must incorporate, a long-term perspective that points to the management of these resources and that emphasizes in the solidarity towards the present and future generations defending the Intergenerational equity.


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