Notions of urban space. One hundred years of instability: confluence of places
Published 2019-06-26 — Updated on 2023-06-01
- 2023-06-01 (2)
- 2019-06-26 (1)
- twentieth century,
- city,
- deconstructivism,
- environment,
- fear
- notion of the limit,
- park,
- postmodernism,
- square,
- space,
- places and places,
- world war ...More
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Reflections on the twentieth century taken from the semblance of a professor who traveled to Paris every year and an unpublished essay dealing with the effect and retroactivity of the 2015 Latin American Architecture Seminar (SLA). Also an article on the Plaza de la Cultura on the occasion of its remodeling and its relationship with the architecture of power and the power of architecture.
The Mirador del Sur Park and the influence of certain books and several essays by the author, create a sequence that begins with commentaries of the time in which the two world wars and their protagonists took place. Several reflections relate war events and the development of architecture and the arts throughout the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century. The text extends on the concept of vanguard and the philosophy of space. What is a place? What is a utopia? What is the contemporary urban reality?
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