Vol. 65 No. 2 (2019): July - December Psychology

Psychogenic coaching: a possibility to the crisis in the traditional psychotherapy approach

Francisco Ahumada
Instituto Latinoamericano de Coaching y Consultoría

Published 2019-12-10



  • coaching,
  • competencies,
  • crisis,
  • structure,
  • observer,
  • ontology,
  • psychogenic,
  • subject
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ahumada, F. (2019). Psychogenic coaching: a possibility to the crisis in the traditional psychotherapy approach. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 65(2), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2019.65i2.117


Present-day psychology faces challenges which possess particular characteristics. These challenges have to do with immediacy, alienation and the construction of a success-driven sense of life. The problem is that these current needs continue to be treated through psychotherapy approaches with obsolete epistemological and psychological grounds. We need to recognize this crisis. This article focuses on offering the possibility of reflection and specialization for psychotherapists and psychology in general, seeking to be more attentive to the challenges they face in their current field of work. It proposes the need to declare crisis in the philosophical grounds, paradigms, approaches and techniques that give rise to traditional psychotherapy. The production of this article proposes a newly created, complementary discipline, called psychogenic coaching. Its main and general characteristics are herein presented. Finally, there is a breakdown of certain important ethical premises to start adopting and thus increase the effectiveness and credibility of psychology.


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