Vol. 67 No. 1 (2021): Enero - Junio | La Democracia en el s. XXI

Education as a public policy in democracy: A hermeneutical perspective in the 21st century.

Maroslee Díaz Guillén
Emgelberth Vargas Monzón

Published 2020-12-17 — Updated on 2023-06-01



  • democracy,
  • education,
  • public policies

How to Cite

Díaz Guillén, M., & Vargas Monzón, E. (2023). Education as a public policy in democracy: A hermeneutical perspective in the 21st century. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 67(1), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2021.67i1.152 (Original work published December 17, 2020)


Education in the XXI century is seen as the cornerstone of society which is fulfilled as part of the public policies of the State in a democratic government system. This research seeks to investigate the notion of democracy in the 21st century in order to describe the existing relationship between democracy and compliance with public policies according to other researchers. Likewise, the importance of education as public policy in the 21st century will be understood. The central teleological axis is to generate a hermeneutical perspective on education as a public policy of democracy in the XXI century. The methodological foundation was carried out from the postpositivist paradigm with a qualitative approach under the documentary research technique and information processing through content analysis. The reflections that arose from the hermeneutical perspective of the discourse of other social actors allowed to reveal that education is an essential human right for the sustainable development of the countries, it is also considered a public policy that guarantees the sense of democracy.


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