Stigma associated with schizophrenia with Systems Engineering students at two private universities in Santo Domingo
Published 2019-12-10 — Updated on 2023-06-01
- 2023-06-01 (2)
- 2019-12-10 (1)
- Stigma,
- Schizophrenia,
- Systems Engineering
- O&M,
- Program,
- UNPHU ...More
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The present comparative study has been conducted for the purpose of evaluating and comparing, the potential stigma that may exist between these two groups towards people suffering from schizophrenia. It was of transversal nature and comprised a universe of 521 students, of which 178 were chosen to form part of the sample group. Analyzing the results of the study, it was found that most of the examined students did not know what schizophrenia is, nor the implications of having it. Poor knowledge or lack thereof can lead to erroneous beliefs towards something or someone. As a tool to fight the stigma towards these patients, the program “Schizophrenia without Stigma” (*ESE, for its initials in Spanish) was created, whose main objective is to offer techniques and tools based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, in order to reduce the stigma and /or stereotypes that people suffering from schizophrenia experience every day.
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