La Relación entre la Adaptación Socioemocional y el Género Musical Preferido de los Jóvenes Dominicanos
Published 2024-06-27 — Updated on 2024-10-11
- : Adaptación socioemocional, género musical, música y socialización.
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This study explores the relationship between socioemotional adaptation and preferred musical genres among young adults in the Dominican Republic. Utilizing a non-experimental design, the research enlisted 69 participants aged between 21 and 24. Each participant underwent evaluation using the Adult Adaptation Questionnaire (CAP-ADU), alongside a comprehensive survey capturing demographic information and musical preferences. The survey included 24 musical genres, categorized into four distinct groups. While no direct correlation was found between preferred musical genre and socioemotional adaptation, the study did reveal significant associations among various facets of adaptability, such as gender, age, and socioeconomic background. These findings emphasize the pivotal role of music as both a socializing tool and a pertinent factor within sociocultural contexts. Despite inherent limitations, this research provides invaluable insights for future inquiries and the development of interventions aimed at fostering the positive growth of young adults in the Dominican Republic. By recognizing music's multifaceted influence on socioemotional dynamics, researchers and practitioners can better grasp its implications for individual and collective well-being, thereby enriching scholarly discourse and societal practices.
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