Vol. 67 No. 1 (2021): Enero - Junio | La Democracia en el s. XXI

Construction of citizenship and reconciliationthrough access to justice

Francisco Ortega Polanco, Dr.
Corte Suprema de la República Dominicana

Published 2020-12-17



  • citizenship,
  • democracy,
  • education,
  • equality,
  • justice,
  • rights
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ortega Polanco, F. (2020). Construction of citizenship and reconciliationthrough access to justice. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 67(1), 2–7. https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2021.67i1.144


Education is a factor linked to poverty and to the construction of full citizenship. Its current meaning is different in geometric terms from the one it had in the Industrial Revolution. The classical doctrine reduces the concept to the ownership of political or civic rights, that is, participation in sovereignty as an elector or eligible through elections, consultations (referendum or plebiscite) or other means. It is in this context that access to justice or effective judicial protection reaches its value and importance, a legal principle of general scope, whose meaning is the equal possibility to exercise rights or resolve conflicts through justice. Thus, I conclude that access to justice is the most expeditious way to build full citizenship and social reconciliation.


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