Vol. 70 No. 2 (2024): Las artes liberales y su importancia en el momento actual para la humanidad

Inteligencia Artificial en el espacio: un catalizador para el desarrollo de la Nueva Economía Espacial

Marco Lisi
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Italiano, junta directiva de la Agencia Espacial Italiana.

Published 2024-06-27 — Updated on 2024-08-19


  • Space Economy,
  • democratization,
  • development,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • technology

How to Cite

Lisi , M. (2024). Inteligencia Artificial en el espacio: un catalizador para el desarrollo de la Nueva Economía Espacial. AULA Revista De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, 70(2). https://doi.org/10.33413/aulahcs.2024.71i2.308


This article investigates the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the space economy and its profound geopolitical implications. Artificial intelligence is increasingly driving space missions, satellite networks and resource utilization, thereby reshaping the global landscape of the space industry.

The advances made possible by AI are driving economic opportunities and competition between nations in space-related sectors and the resulting geopolitical effects. From satellite services to lunar and Mars exploration, AI is poised to become a driving force shaping the balance of power in space, making it a critical topic for policymakers, strategists and leaders. of the industry.

Artificial Intelligence is playing an essential role in opening a new landscape for space activities, what is commonly known as the "New Space Economy." This technology has been seamlessly integrated into various aspects of space activities, becoming a catalyst for unprecedented changes in the space economy.

Nations, organizations and industries are increasingly leveraging artificial intelligence to improve satellite operations, process “big data” collected from space, improve spacecraft design and revolutionize space exploration.

At the same time, AI introduces geopolitical dynamics that are profoundly reshaping the geopolitical landscape of space activities.


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